
Mom Thinks Her Daughter Died in a Burning House Then Finds Out Their Dog Saved Her

Mom Thinks Her Daughter Died in a Burning House Then Finds Out Their Dog Saved Her Click the link to subscribe:

Dogs are known as "Man's Best Friend" for a reason. Dogs are incredibly loyal. Most dogs will stick by their owner's side all day. Many dogs are protective of their owners and their family. Many people choose to adopt dogs because they are known to be excellent companions. Finally, many dogs are incredibly intelligent. They know when their owners are in danger, and they do whatever they can to help.

Polo had been Erika Poremski's family dog for years. She adopted Polo when he was just a pup, and she brought him to live with her and her husband in their Baltimore home. Over the years, Polo had been a wonderful companion. When Erika found out that she was pregnant, she was sure that Polo would love her. A few of her friends warned her that Polo might get jealous of the new baby. Erika knew her dog well, and she knew that he would love his new sibling.

When Erika gave birth to Viviana, it was the most wonderful moment of her life. She was thrilled when it was time to bring the baby home to meet Polo. Erika was right about Polo and her new baby. From the day that Erika brought Viviana home, the two were in love. Polo slept by Viviane for hours to be sure that his new little sister was always safe.

The fateful day in August 2016 began just like every other day. Erika's husband went off to work, and she was taking care of her daughter. When Viviane and Polo went upstairs to take a nap, Erika had a chance to catch up on work around the house. She ran out to her car to get something, and when she headed back toward the house, she noticed that there were flames coming from the upstairs windows. She immediately panicked. Her little baby was upstairs sleeping. She tried to run upstairs to save her daughter's life, but the fire had spread too quickly. The flames were too strong for the young mother to get upstairs. She could hear Viviane crying, and it was a mother's worst nightmare.

When Erika's neighbors heard the commotion, they ran over to her house to try to help. Many of them tried to break the doors and windows so that they could save the little girl, but it was impossible. The doors had begun swell, and it would take an ax to get through the doors. Mom thinks daughter died in burning house – then dog puts his life on the line to save her.

When the fire department arrived on the scene, they managed to get into the house. As they ran up the stairs, they prepared themselves for the worse. There was a baby trapped in a fire, and they knew that these situations never turned out well. When they got to Vivian's room, they saw that she had survived. It was all thanks to Polo.

Immediately after the fire broke out, Polo stayed close to Vivian. He was shielding her body with his. Thanks to Polo, Vivian suffered burns on 19 percent of her body and the burns were only on one side. Had it not been for Polo standing by his baby sister's side, the firefighters were sure that Vivian would have perished in the fire. Erika was grateful to her loyal companion, but she was also heartbroken.

Sadly, Polo wasn't as lucky as Vivian. He took the brunt of the fire, and he died. Polo had given up his life to protect Vivian. Erika was devastated, but she was happy that her dog saved her daughter's life. She and her husband lost everything in the fire, but they were lucky enough to still have their daughter.

After the fire, Erika's father set up a GoFundMe page for Erika and her family. They lost everything that they owned, and he wanted to help them get back on their feet. While they may be able to replace the things that were lost in the fire, they will never be able to replace Polo. Erika knows that if it weren't for Polo, things would be a lot worse today.

Erika will never forget the horrible day that her house burned down. She says that she will also never forget her hero, Polo. He was the only one near her daughter, and he was the only one who could save her. Erika says that when Vivian is old enough, she will make sure that she knows all about Polo and how he sacrificed his own life to save hers. He is a true hero, and Erika will never let anyone forget that he also died a hero.

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