In his 22 years of clinical experience, Dr. Rajesh Verma has turned himself into a legendary Surgeon and has set precedence in treating complex trauma, bone, joint & spine disorders. He has over the years acquired an expert status in spine surgery and is currently one of few leading surgeons in India performing 30-50 spine surgeries in a month. He is teaching professor for postgraduate doctors and leading faculty at various national and international forums.
His clinical & surgical skills are superbly backed by his expert training from institutes like, Denver Health Medical Centre and Rocky Mountain Regional Trauma Centre Denver, Colorado USA, University clinik of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Neurosurgery Centre Schittenhelstr Hamburg, Germany & National University Hospital Singapore. He has further acquired his advance skill sets towards deformity and degenerative spine disorders from Severance Spine Hospital Seoul, South Korea & Hip / Knee Joint Replacements from Prince Charles & North Point Hospital Brisbane, Australia.
He travelled for surgical observerships in minimally invasive spine surgery and endoscopic spine surgery at centres in Netherlands, Germany and Suwon , South Korea under guidance of legends like Prof Maino, Dr Schubert & Pro Kim.
In his Career he has been a part of more than 23000 surgical cases. Personally Dr. Verma have successfully performed over 13000 surgeries including all types of Spine
surgeries, Joint Replacement and Complex Trauma surgeries.