
Self-Driving Vehicles Will Lead to Widespread Prosperity

Self-Driving Vehicles Will Lead to Widespread Prosperity The next decade will witness a surge in productivity the likes of which humanity has never witnessed. Put simply, we’ll do more with less. Throughout the economy, workers will be rapidly replaced with artificially intelligent software, sending the cost of making things on a course toward zero. And there’s no industry that’s more susceptible to this rapid change than the trucking industry. In this video, I discuss the latest developments in autonomous vehicles and how you can capitalize on this trend. Read more at

About Ian King:
Ian King is a senior analyst at Banyan Hill Publishing with over two decades of experience trading and analyzing the financial markets. His insights have been featured on Fox Business News, Investopedia, Zero Hedge and Seeking Alpha. He started out as a desk clerk at Salomon Brothers’ famed mortgage bond trading department, then moved on to credit derivatives at Citigroup. From there, he spent a decade trading options as head trader at a New York-based hedge fund. Today he is a weekly contributor to Sovereign Investor Daily and editor of two premium trading services at Banyan Hill Publishing.

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Self Driving,Autonomous Vehicles,Investing,Economy,

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