
There's nothing here for MGTOW dudes.

There's nothing here for MGTOW dudes. After my video “A Normie Discovers MGTOW” i got some good comments from viewers, so I thought I’d make a video replying to some of them.

But then I started digging into the comments, and one stood out:

“Your worldview does not jive with mgtow, you say you support "the cause" while rejecting the rest is disingenuous."

To be honest, I just don’t have any real interest in the topic.

Maybe I’ll watch a video if it pops up in my recommendations, but that’s about it.

So it would be more appropriate to say: I am sympathetic, especially to the guys who’ve been curbstomped in domestic issues.

But I’m not MGTOW or MRA, and I don’t think they’re the best options to fighting this current climate that is unquestionably anti-male.

Like I mentioned in that video, I’m not going to cower in front of screeching non-feminine women and the low-t wimps who hate men and masculinity and want to see them destroyed.

I know that they are just a symptom of the clown world we’re living in, but I also know that there’s nothing to be gained by giving in to them.

Especially not when they are much weaker than we’re led to believe.

Nobody can argue that it seems western civilization has overdosed on estrogen.

Government, the news media, entertainment, you name it, everything must promote a pro-female perspective, and if they can make it anti-male too then all the better.

So you’d think support for this was overwhelming, right?


Look at these charts from a fairly recent YouGov article (link below in the description).

The very first sentence is complaining that not enough women are feminists: “Feminism might be on the rise, but many women aren’t on board.”

(Graphic 1)

The author describes how only 38% of american women consider them feminists, and only 22% of men.

Combined that’s only 30% of americans who consider themselves feminist.

Here’s more from the article:

(Graphic 2)

Almost half (48%) of non-feminist women say “feminists are too extreme.”

Another 47% agree with the statement “the current wave of feminism does not represent true feminism.”

One in five (20%) of non-feminist women say they “do not believe that men and women are equal,” while 14% of non-feminist men agree with this statement.

So let me sum this up for you:

70% of Americans do not consider themselves feminists.

In fact, there are more people in the US who believe that feminists are too extreme than who believe in feminism itself.

About 25% of both male and female non-feminists thing feminists are anti-men.

Most people are not against you.

Just like me, they’re probably sympathetic to the situation men are facing.

Yet we still find ourselves in this current situation.

Why is this?


It’s because rational people have stepped aside and are letting the inmates run the asylum.

Who else is stepping aside? MGTOW and MRA dudes.

Is it any wonder we've got a screwed up society like this?

Doing nothing got us here, and things won’t ever get better until people start standing up and resisting the crazy.

So I appreciate the guys who came by and watched the original video and left thoughtful comments, but if you’re a committed MGTOW or MRA guy i don’t have anything for you.

However, if you’re a young guy who is looking forward to enjoying a good life, including a wife and a family, then I might have some helpful things to share with you.

Thanks for watching the video, and if you liked it please click the thumbs up button and leave a like.

This channel is called the Easy Path Project, and we’re all about living your maximum life with minimum struggle.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in click the subscribe button and come along.

mgtow,men going their own way,

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