
Imam Died while Delivering Khutbah in Malaysia | 7th June 2019

Imam Died while Delivering Khutbah in Malaysia | 7th June 2019 In Al Bukhary Mosque of Malaysia people were shocked at the moment when they were listening to the Khutbah delivered by an Imam suddenly collapsed.

The Imam known as Ustaz Ku Yaacob Ku Hashim, initially appears to convey the essence of the sermon as usual without any indication of something wrong or unhealthy.

However he suddenly collapsed and unconscious before a group of people seemed to approach him.

Ku Yaacob was reported to have fainted before the medical team arrived and provided relief assistance (CPR).

However he was confirmed dead.

#ImamCollapsed #Malaysia #DiedInKhutbah #BelievingBeings


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imam died in khutbah,

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