
Solstice Full Moon Gateway THIS WEEK! What Do The Angels Want You to Know? 💜😇🙏 Angel Card Reading

Solstice Full Moon Gateway THIS WEEK! What Do The Angels Want You to Know? 💜😇🙏 Angel Card Reading The June Full Moon Summer Solstice GATEWAY is happening this week!

Energetically speaking this means a HUGE influx of light and ascension energy to trigger a transformation in your life and support you in entering into a new cycle of your life more in alignment with and embodying your Divine light and Mastery.

This is an energetically intense week...

Learn what you need to know to make the most of it in this week's Ascension Angel Card Reading.

This angel reading is for the week of June 16th- 22ns 2019 during which we will have a POWERFUL Full Moon on June 17th as well as the Solstice on June 21st.

Ready for more?

Check out the 5 Things You Need to Know About the June 17th Full Moon energy!

I will be also recording special channelings for the Full Moon And Solstice ... Be sure you subscribe to my email list so you'll learn about that when those become available:

Check Out the Process to Connect with the Crystalline Grid here:

Or Listen to my FREE Ascension Meditation of Crystalline Light here:

Transcription Available Here:

Hey Melanie Beckler here with our Angel Card Reading For this big week of June 16th through 22nd 2019 we have the full moon happening on the 17th and then the solstice happening on the 21st and with these two things, there is a tremendous influx of light coming in from the sun, but also from the divine, from our guides and angels and spirit assisting us each as individuals in ushering in the next stage and phase of our life purpose mission. And this energy is supporting you and embodying your higher self, your highest soul light to a new level. So we're going to use the ascension angel cards for our reading this week to tune into the angels' messages of Love, guidance, and healing frequency that will most serve. And we're going to draw three cards. So to begin, join me in shifting your awareness within. Imagine your awareness is dropping down from your mind into your heart center, allowing your heart to open and allowing your entire core central column of light along your spine to become illuminated. Breathe, relax, let go. At this time I asked that we each be surrounded with divine light and love with our teams of guides, angels and ascended masters of the highest Christ did light enter in, connect with us as individuals and together as one with whatever we most need to know this week. Whatever will most serve now, just shuffling light into the cards, looking for our cards for this week to a fear.

There we go. Okay, so our first card is the being of service card. A reminder that this energy is assisting you in ushering in the next level of your soul. Embodiment, your sole mission and purpose while multifaceted and consisting of learning and growing and embodying and shining indeed also involves being of service. So your growth, your expansion, your embodying higher light is available to a higher extent when you have the intention to be of service of others. When you have the intention that any knowledge and spiritual power and wisdom gained will be put to the service of others. Is this your intention? If not, I would encourage you to consider that. And so interesting. And my card, I've never noticed this, and I don't know if you can see this on the video, but up here in the right hand corner there is like this grid, literally have never noticed that before in this card.

So my mind is going at, my awareness is going to that grid of light. So a big part of what is happening with this full moon in Solstice is that the crystalline grid of light around the earth is receiving a tremendous broadcast from the infinite, from source and from the divine. We as physical beings, you as a physical being are able to tune in to the light, direct from source, direct from your guides and angels, but also to receive light from the awakened Earth through the crystalline grid. And I have an entire video about how to do that, how to link to the crystalline grid to perceive the downloads that I will link to in the description below. But as a quick refresher, get out in nature. Stand on the earth, tune into your heart, feel your energy ground to the earth and then left into the higher light and love of spirit to tune into the crystalline grid to receive the downloads.

Frequencies love healing to elevate your vibration and to prepare your temple to embody a greater extent of your divine being. Knowing that you shining your highest light is a part of the service you're able to bring to the world. When you are in an embodied state, you naturally received the inspirations and ideas for how you can be of service towards others to take your very next step. When you notice yourself judging this, this is a big one...

Melanie is wearing an Indigo Gabbro Pendant in this video. Shop Indigo Gabbro Jewelry here:

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