Inspiring question
Be Blessed by the divine
If you think there are no limits, you will be disappointed
there are limits for meditation
our guru has told us
1. limit to 20 to 30 minutes at a time
Our Guru, Yogiraj Sri Vethathiri Maharishi
told us so because if we meditate for long hours
for 1 to 4 hours etc
we will get lost in the eternal world
we will become useless for the earthly world
we have a family
we need tot ake care
we cannot give up everything
we cannot ignore and be only in the spiritual world
it is easy to give up and ask the society to take care of us
we become a burden
our first duty is to take care of us and our family
without taking care of them, we will never be successful
20 to 30 minutes meditation is sufficient for us
2. meditate twice a day
Our Guru was a highly practical human being
He knew his student would be able to twice meditate
4o to 60 minutes a day
asking for more time is not practical
we have other duties at home and work and society and world
we also have our personal duties
bath etc
maintaining a balance of time amongst all duties
we need to limit our meditation
take a Sunday for instance
spend 8 hours without sleeping or resting
you can schedule 5 to 6 meditation
do it for 20 minutes per schedule
sit in silence
realize self
cleanse the genetic center
achieve salvation
Reach perfection
Hope the video is useful
Thank you for inspiring me to make videos
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Be Blessed by the Divine,
Krish Murali Eswar.
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