
No Man's Sky: How NOT to Survive in Survival Mode

No Man's Sky: How NOT to Survive in Survival Mode No Man's Sky Survival Mode is certainly not for the faint of heart... While it my not have the same disastrous consequences as Permadeath, it still proves to have some perilous obstacles... But we mostly just suck.

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No Man's Sky (Steam) -

●Proteus Kyros

●Lunarblaze420 (PSN)


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Your voyage through No Man's Sky is up to you. Will you be a fighter, preying on the weak and taking their riches, or taking out pirates for their bounties? Power is yours if you upgrade your ship for speed and weaponry.

Or a trader? Find rich resources on forgotten worlds and exploit them for the highest prices. Invest in more cargo space and you'll reap huge rewards.

Or perhaps an explorer? Go beyond the known frontier and discover places and things that no one has ever seen before. Upgrade your engines to jump ever farther, and strengthen your suit for survival in toxic environments that would kill the unwary.

Share your journey!

-From Steam

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