*** When I realized John Lennon energy was in the reading: ( Exact point in the video )
NOTE: This is the video for Rays of colour I mentioned in this reading:
Hello my lovely Libras,
This month I will post two versions of your reading so stay tuned for another one coming up.
Now something really extraordinary happened ( I don't believe this was a coincidence) in this reading and I didn't realize it until this reading was done. So, you will notice that I mentioned John Lennon in the reading and his famous quote about love ("Love is all you need") showed up but that doesn't end here as after the reading was over before I was sleeping I asked my guides: Could it be that he was a libra? Also could it be that Yoko Ono was an Aquarius? So I find out yes both of this are true. ( You will see there was also a reference to Aquarius) I'm sure his spirit showed up in Libra reading for a powerful message: This love is bigger than you think. It's a UNIVERSAL LOVE and you two have done this lifetime after lifetime. You are meant to do this and are the chosen one Libra. This love is going to raise the vibrational energy of earth in a very powerful way. Are you ready? buckle up. There is a surprise for you on the horizon but in this reading you might not see exactly what it is :)...that's why maybe it's a surprise? :)
There are several references to the past lives that you two had together. An ancient dragonfly showed up in this reading (referring to both of you as ancient souls) and was at the back of one of the decks. There was infinity card and one more again referring to the fact that you two have done this before and will be able to manifest this union again in this lifetime.
One of your lesson in this relationship is Self Love. Once you get it union won't be that far in the physical.
As I mentioned I will have another version for you guys as: First you guys didn't have a reading for such along time and second this reading is more on a 5D level so I will have one with more balance shortly this week. Talking about balance :)
John Lennon's song: "Imagine"
( Imagine Song)
Here are some of the lyrics:
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can....
Just like their love (John and Yoko) your love for your beloved Twin Flame or divine counterpart is going to change the world. It's a Universal LOVE Libra. You might not be aware of it but your mission is bigger than you think it is.
Lots of Love and Blessings as always,
Sacred Phoenix 🔥
For private readings go to my website and click on the calendar:
🔥🔥🔥Website: 🔥🔥🔥
I offer the following services:
Twin Flame reading
Soul Mate or Love reading
Akashic Records or Past Life reading (Most popular on my site)
Soul Purpose or Career readings
👁📦🔮NEW: I now also offer PACKAGE Readings since a lot of you requested so you can have combination of Love, Career and PastLife or Akashic Records.
Some Tarot/Oracle decks used in this reading:
Angel Power Wisdom Cards
Tarot Grand Luxe Cards
Pop-Up Love Cards
Spirit Oracle
Native Heart Healing Oracle
You Tube Cover Image:
Tarot Grand Luxe Cards by Ciro Marchetti (Author)
Movie that I mentioned is called: Fallen
E-mail: sacredphoenixheart@gmail.com
(Love you guys and THANK YOU for donating to this channel.
I appreciate it and it helps me keep going)
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