"This is a box that has never been filmed before or opened and the doctor just offered to open it for us," - “Sadly, the box is empty, but, you can smell the wood and the resin, smells like #Ancient #History" - Bettany Hughes. #Tutankhamun The footage of the live opening:
Narrated by BuzWeaver:
Licensed under a creative commons:
More about Bettany:
The show:
Tutankhamun Pharaoh,King Tut,King Tut's Tomb,Egypyology,Ancient Egypt,Grand Egyptiam Museum,Zahi Hawass,Howard Carter Archaeologist,Archaeology,Ancient History,Akhenaten Pharaoh,Egyptian Tourism,The Pyramids,Egyptian Artefacts/Artifacts,Bethany Hughes (Historian),museum curator Dr Essa Zidan,Egypt's Greatest Treasure,The History of Egypt,Giza plateau (Cairo),The Valley of the Kings (Egypt),