This is a general twin flame reading with the feminine energy and masculine energy and the union energy please take what resonates leave what doesn’t
The female energy here with the Temperance is showing more confidence more balance more moderation with your energies
Which is different from earlier this week for some of you feminine energies that we’re dealing with thymus and sacral chakra unbalanced energies with the feminine energy here you are more powerful than you have been all week
please keep in mind that you need to stay powerful and we are in Chiron retrograde until December 12th there is more balance as long as you step back and let things fall into place
With masculine energies tho I’m feeling a lot of anger panic or emotions that are heavy with some of these masculines and this 6 of pentacles is showing the masculines need to balance more while for the other masculine energies things are flowing more and there’s a lot of allowing and there’s more control more connection more confidence coming through these messages today for the masculine energy
That being said tho it’s important for the masculine energy to let the ebb and flow come throug
if you don’t masculines it’ll push back and not flow forward with good feelings
I’m also seeing the feminine’s energies shifting more with the masculine energy help of their angels and spirit guides and those masculines that are not balanced I see these feminine energies guiding them to bring more balance
The masculine energy altogether tho the 6 of pentacles here is coming into more balanced energy so let it flow together
but if you’re outta balance females he’s feeling it too and it will block any form of inner healing with that thymus aka higher heart chakra and sacral chakra that I’ve been seeing all week
But the union energy here is showing me that you need to step back and let everything unfold naturally not forcefully
there’s too much energy that I’m seeing isn’t positive energy it’s nervous or it’s frustration there’s something that needs to be balanced more for SOME not all of you so steady here will bring more healing energy or connected energy
Others of you there’s movement with steady foundations that are pushing through
It feels like it’s the feminine and masculine working as a team and that’ll bring many closures and more openings
*what clarity do you need guidance on with your private twin flame union? dm me for your private twin flame reading
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