Feel free to join chat, but read the rules first! (tl;dr, don't try to cause problems, and don't promote yourself)
TWITTER: @implySci
MYSPACE: (yes really)
1.) Actually be part of the conversation if you're in chat. Don't put in random nonsense.
2.) No spam
=== DONT SAY “mafia addict” IN CHAT! Someone keeps going around trying to advertise this game called Mafia Addict, so I blacklisted that phrase and related phrases on nightbot.
3.) No hate speech. This includes (but is not limited to)
=== Any racial slurs
=== Xenophobia (discontent or fear of people from a foreign country)
=== Homophobia/transphobia/etc
4.) Don't be a backseat gamer. Like you can give me tips, and you can tell me how certain game mechanics work, but don't expect me to do something just because you told me to lmao.
5.) No monetization / No self promotion
6.) Don't fish for pity.
=== This means saying things in chat for no reason other than for people to feel bad for you.
=== Sharing is fine, but if you keep bringing it up over and over after we've moved on from the topic, that's no good.
7.) Destruction magic is fine, just don't go burning down any buildings.