, How does the madness not turn you crazy That is why I give up even contemplating debating or explaining the world to some people. The sad thing is ... I never thought of the Philippines as being a mentally inferior race of people, I have only met a handful of Filipinos in person in my life, they were all committed very hard workers & seemed quite intelligent willing to learn (perhaps the smart ones get jobs abroad?) But these comments you are reading sound like silly 13 year olds bickering on a school playground about which of them is better = only you are not playing that game, by objectively pointing out facts & corrections of inconsistencies in their assertions You should be ashamed ... You were supposed to throw the facts out the window & give an emotional response, maybe with you crying out your best Oscar nominated performance that you can pull off.... Ultimately relinquishing your sanity & admitting you were wrong and that the Philippines is in fact an African Hebrew country located between India & China, because the Spanish say so.... But was it the Catholic Spanish under command of the Pope or was it from the Islamic Spanish when ruled by the Moors These folk think you get money for making videos? I wish they told me that ... I have tried to donate money to you several times & you refuse to accept it - not even a coffee- , and YouTube do not show adverts on your channel therefore you do not get paid by them either. Remind me again just how exactly you are profiting from these videos? It looks more like you are doing a service for the community out of your personal hobby of researching stuff & because you are interested in correcting or confirming information being put out there by others.
my work is transformative in nature as a criticism so some usage of the original is required but uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws