These red dots sow seeds of curiosity. They call out for an action. Every entrepreneur on internet wants to earn your time on their virtual establishment. Internet is free, but your time is the currency which everyone wants to earn.
Offline Therapy is a mission to make each of us realize that there is something which needs to be fixed!
We are being enslaved by social media and digital technology. The only thing these machines need is our attention and time. Our time is a currency for this invisible force which is controlling the internet.
Digital media is a part of our life. Are we using it to our advantage or
Are we being used by it?
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Rajeev Srivastava
#logout #offlinetherapy #digitalslavery
Offline Therapy, Rajeev Srivastava, Digital Slavery, addiction towards smartphone, social media addiction, how not to waste time on social media, how to save time and energy from internet, distractions on internet, block notifications, bad effect of digital media, mental health effect of digital media, logout, social media boon or bane, attention economy, social media noise,