Title: Dialogue EP
Remixes by: Push 92, MnD
Cat #: CIM034
Elba - Original Mix
Elba - Push 92 Remix
Dialogue - Original Mix
Dialogue - MnD Remix
Release date:
October 7th, 2019 (Traxsource)
October 21st, 2019 (All stores)
"•Chris Wayfarer• is back on Colour In Music with a fresh EP including two remixes by •Push 92• and •MnD•.
Carried by latin flavoured piano chords, a deep bassline and percussive vocal chops, "Elba" is a moody yet vibrant groover with a solid house beat.
•Push 92•'s remix is also built around the piano chord, however its mangled, reversed and contrasted with a wide pad, nervously fluttering synths and a drum sequence with lots of percussive quirks.
"Dialogue" is •Chris Wayfarers• nod to the dub side of house we've come to expect from Colour In Music. The simple drum groove leaves enough room for light rhodes licks, a plethora of floating synth sequences and brass chords to liven up the track.
•MnD• takes the bare essence of "Dialogue" and gives it a super minimalistic spin - think hovering string pads, shuffling drum patterns and sparcely scattered stabs - creating a stripped uptempo dub workout."
Artwork: El Ciganito
Videos: Enzo Avanzato
Content Writer: Samuel Fedy
Masterings by Pristine Creations Studios
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