
How MSM Disinformation Harms People - What's 'The Information War' || Links in Original Story

How MSM Disinformation Harms People - What's 'The Information War' || Links in Original Story Welcome to Velo-Pro International. Videos will slow for the foreseeable future, perhaps become Monthly. I've been involved with Solar Collectors for awhile, it's been an Engineering interest for years. We've discussed the harm Solar Panels do when Radiating Heat on Birds, it kills. Here's a little bit of information on how "Avian Safe" Solar Collectors work; Please Visit the Advanced Nutrition & Featured Stories Playlist for a wide variety of Topics.

Before we begin the Topic, I have a couple quotes from Benjamin Franklin. He was asked by Folks what kind of Government we were forming. Ol' Ben replied "A Republic if you can keep it". The other and more significant, at least to my Army side is: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” Benjamin Franklin was also an Inventor which intrigues me;

Today's topic is Late Nite TV. I have been paying attention to Network Ratings and I'm pleased to announce all have fallen sharply and all Late Nite Comedian's took a hit over last 2017's Ratings. 2018-2019 most declined;
Network News is also being punished for "Very Fake" News such as the Turkish-Kurdish attack that was actually a Pyrotechnics Show in Kentucky with the spectators blocked out. If I didn't know better I could have fallen for such a lie, as a Senior it's best to control Mental Stress. The Fake News attack is Psychological and often stays with people for days even altering their behavior. Reminds me a little bit of the movie The Exorcist.
It's a Medically Established Fact "Fake News" can harm real people, this is not a revelation;

Most of us to remember the great Johnny Carson. Johnny could go on every night, smack Politicians around and make everyone laugh across-the-board. After fun humor people actually slept well. Good humor is not intended to be stressful, it can be a little insulting but "good-hearted". Good Humor not only snugs the stomach muscles but it also helps us produce extra Endorphins which is a feel-good hormone;

We have discussed Cortisol, Noise Pollution and the effects on Aging, how all this is tied together with artificial stress. Even if you don't like something it's probably better to focus on something else however 8-Track Tapes seem back in fashion. Every night it's the same attack on the same subjects, it's really not rewarding, hence the Network Rating's drop. That may mean people actually realize it may be harmful because they actually have to get up quite early to go to work. Tough to sleep when you're pumped up with Adrenaline and Cortisol. This inhibits Melatonin from naturally helping you sleep. Some people say video games fit the same category, perhaps if it's exciting. The National Institute of Mental Health discusses stress because it is a modern reality;

The "Information War" is older than we are. However there was a time we actually believed Broadcast News but now know it to be made-up, in most cases. Lives and reputations have been ruined by the mainstream media, currently MSNBC is being sued; As Network Ratings drop and people migrate Online. We need to be careful not to be deceived however I think most of us are pretty fact focused. Psycom explains American Pravda and how we can win this declared War on our God Given Right's. Psycom claims 66% of Americans are stressed about the Country's Future, that's remarkable, at least to me; Please see the important Network speech in Advanced Nutrition & Featured Stories Playlist or Click:

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Why TV causes stress,comedy television and sleep,Network ratings collapse,fake news,late night comedy Network Ratings falling,Kentucky Syria fake news,the information War,media bias,MSNBC sued,

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