
In Hong Kong “Many People Are Forced To Live In Caged Homes…”

In Hong Kong “Many People Are Forced To Live In Caged Homes…” The People’s Republic of China celebrates its 70th anniversary as months of pro-democracy demonstrations continue in Hong Kong. The historic demonstrations began in June as a response to the proposal of an extradition agreement with Mainland China. Concerned that the bill would further erode the civil liberties they enjoy under the one country two systems principle, many Hong Kongers took to the streets. All these months later, the city’s chief executive Carrie Lam has withdrawn the bill but the demonstrations have continued - the issues have become a lot bigger getting to the heart of the meaning of democracy and Chinese Imperialism.

Grit TV,capitalism,socialism,Laura Flanders,LF Show,new economy,#hongkong,#AntiExtraditionLaw,#反送中 #홍콩시위,#NoChinaExtradition,#StandWithHongKong,

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