
Vote Alternative: An Urgent Song by Paco Dvoi

Vote Alternative: An Urgent Song by Paco Dvoi

Canada's leadership needs to stand up to our climate emergency with bold and urgent action. We need to transition out of fossil fuels as soon as possible. If people don't vote for a scientifically-backed up pro-environment candidate with a detailed plan of action, the chances of leadership responding adequately are reduced significantly. It appears that Canada's Mr. Red and Mr. Blue are not rising up to the occasion. Therefore, the only choices rest in the alternative parties to the left (even though they themselves need to be pressured to act faster and further on climate change and issues related to climate justice). For October 21st, I would like to encourage all Canadians to scrap the limiting idea of "strategic voting" and simply vote alternative. Our collective well-being depends on it!

Paco Dvoi,2019,Canadian elections,federal elections,Green Party,NDP,song,climate action,Greta Thunberg,vote,October 21,climate emergency,millenial vote,transition,climate strikes,fossil fuels,new economy,pro-environment,sustainability,strategic voting,left wing,renewable energy,people power,activist,activism,climate justice,leap organization,leadnow,young voters,millenial voters,

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