
world-assembly&alliance-earth is the door to get out of this legal person system.Stop the Matrix now

world-assembly&alliance-earth is the door to get out of this legal person system.Stop the Matrix now World-Assembly

Right exists when everyone respects it. Earth does not belong to states or other institutions. It belongs to each individual human being and to humanity together. People's knowledge has been stolen and replaced with faith. This is how the present world of the elites came into being. Acquire knowledge, take responsibility and their power is finished.

The participants and councils of the Constituent Assembly of Germany have long recognized the need and the real problems of mankind. We know from people in other nations that the backgrounds and real connections have also been recognized in their areas. They are just like us a minority, trapped between and by the completely hypnotized mass which follows the system unconditionally and without demand. The majority of humanity on this earth lives in a legal system and thus in an artificially created matrix of the few elites. The pretended and alleged rights of human beings are only a part of an even bigger staging we call the "world".

The reality is the theft of all human rights by the operators of this artificial and legal matrix, who have declared the rights of individuals to be their own rights. Therefore, the Constituent Assembly of Germany occupies and claims these "overpositive" legal relationships, which are superior to any legal right, in order to make them available to all currently living people, as well as to future generations. We call upon all mankind to claim their high rights and to use them in their respective countries. To this end, the following Decree No. 29 has been adopted.

We are the people of the Constituent Assembly Germany. A part of all mankind and at the moment the guardians of all rights to life and prosperity of every single human being in his nation. We place humanity in the highest of all rights, in the overpositive rights, which are already your rights through the origin in the womb. No one can give you these rights and no one can take them away from you. We are here and awaiting you.

alliance earth - the people Connection

people of all nations unite peacefully and in respect of each other

The people of ae have the legal and natural legal entities only in temporary use, reject the fictitious person basically as a mask of man. They accept the legal tool person only as a transitional rule. In the new age, it will not be a benchmark for shaping her life. We should all deal intensively with the implementation of this future, because in a remaining legal world for humanity and thus the entire humanity, there is no possibility of survival. ae means humanity or cooperation of rights holders. It is intended to serve as a legal form between the rights holders of the Earth. She is a consensual agreement between holders of all legal rights, such as all universal and non-positive rights, which are given to the right holder by their origin in the womb and thus by creation itself. The rights holders have agreed with their free will to organize themselves cooperatively and community-oriented within a jointly decided order, as within a fixed area and with the determination of the descent and hereditary background to previous generations, as for the attainment of a peaceful existence between them, which serves the promotion of the evolutionary development of all inhabitants of the earth.

the earth our home our lives and our future. We will protect them, like everything that exists and thrives on it. humanity has understood in great detail what it really is and is at this moment with the task to remove the artificial matrix of the elites on this planet. Do not give up. The route is the goal. There is no other goal.

Let us all stick together and help each other. we are the difference for the freedom in this world.

Thanks for your Attention

freedom,matrix,legal person,national assembly,peace,

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