
You Don't Need an Extreme Diet (+ Day 21 workouts)

You Don't Need an Extreme Diet (+ Day 21 workouts) #another30daysofironwill Day 21
a lot of people that are beginning a fitness journey have the tendency to go all in from day 1!
They dont have any understanding of caloric restriction or how calories from each macro nutrient affect the body.
Extreme caloric restriction diets like keto or any diet that is sub 1000 calories per day are not sustainable.
Also, taking in less than your BMR will not help you lose weight like you think it will.
Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an estimate of the least amount of calories needed for your body to function and carry out necessary tasks such as breathing and digestion, AT REST.
Your body needs to take in at least your BMR worth of calories in order to complete daily tasks and oxidize body fat.
Your body requires fuel for every function, from wiggling your toes to blinking. This means that a much bigger task like burning fat or building muscle requires more calories than your BMR. So you can imagine that if you're also burning 3 to 5 hundred calories during a work day and then another 3 to 5 hundred calories for your workouts, you'll need more calories than your BMR to run your body.
Extreme diets are unhealthy and may help you see some initial weight loss, but that will stop quickly and you will soon have trouble seeing results.
In summation, your body needs adequate fuel to perform at its highest level and burn excess fat!
Here are the Day 21 Workouts for the #another30daysofironwill challenge!
⚫ Beginner (overweight/obese)
1️⃣ Walk/Activity: 35 minutes
🔵 Beginner
1️⃣ Cardio/Activity: 35 minutes
🔴 Intermediate
1️⃣ Cardio/Activity: 35 minutes
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Fitness,Health,Advice,Workouts,Iron Will,Fat Loss,Building Muscle,

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