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instasmile Clip On Veneers review - instasmile is a revolutionary, and affordable option to cover crooked, chipped, missing and discoloured teeth. Prices start from as little as £250 / $350 / €199.
Did you know that throughout our lives, our teeth are constantly shifting and moving around. Even after having braces, our dental profile can still change over time, sometimes leaving us with crooked, unsightly teeth.
A few dental complications and a thumb sucking habit as an infant, Jessica was left with crooked teeth which propelled her into having a teeth straightening smile makeover. Unfortunately, over time her teeth have overlapped and brought her back to square one. Her desire for traditional dental veneers left her searching for an affordable alternative that would allow her to smile with confidence again without breaking the bank.
Although her product didn't fit at first after a slight error in her instasmile impression, our team were on hand to give her the best advice and solution to give her the best experience possible. Now she can use her Clip On Veneer with comfort and ease!
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