
How Fear Helps you Grow your Coaching Business

How Fear Helps you Grow your Coaching Business How Fear Helps you Grow your Coaching Business//// Watch my free training that shows you the exact steps to take to get consistent clients in your coaching business:

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Is fear stopping your from growing your coaching business?

Fear is a funny thing.

For many of us it runs our lives.

We make so many of our choices because of fear.

We stay in jobs that bore the crap out of us.

We stay in relationships that don’t fulfill us.

We don’t start our businesses because we don’t know HOW or don’t believe that we have something good to offer.

We settle for making just enough money just to get by…even though we dream of a bigger house, travel, nicer clothes, massages, yoga memberships, buying all the organic food we want and not worrying about the price, etc.

And we tell ourselves that we don’t have a choice.

That we can’t build the business and live the life we really want because of…our family, our responsibilities, we don’t have the time, we don’t have the money, it’s too risky…..etc.

I often ask my clients what they are afraid of and why.

Many times they don’t even really know.

But most commonly I hear…
What people will think of me
Not doing it right

Most of us are afraid to feel fear.

And so we avoid doing anything that will bring fear up.

And this keeps us stuck.

Thinking about the fear….and allowing the energy behind the fear to grow bigger and bigger.

And what we don’t realize is that the fear of facing our fear is what is actually keep us stuck.

Not the fear of doing the thing.


What if you weren’t scared of feeling fear? What if you knew you could do scary things and it would be ok? What would be possible for you then?

Ready to find out?

Then check out this video to discover the 6 steps you can take to make friends with fear. This is essential to creating a successful business!

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