
Black Friday Target, Mariano's, Holiday spirits, deals, bought air fry $49.99

Black Friday Target, Mariano's, Holiday spirits, deals, bought air fry $49.99 #Target #Mariano's #holiday

This year black Friday, we went to target to check out any deals that we needed . It seems door buster deals were still on the shelf. People did not buy some cheap stuffs which they never needed any more. We bought a air fry for $49.99. The retail price was $99.99. I supposed this is a good deal.

Target decorates itself with a lot of holiday decoration. The Saint Clause is very cute. Hope you like my video and please subscribe.

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Black Friday,Black Friday Target,mariano's,air fry,Holiday spirits,air fry 49.99,黑五,黑色星期五,节日的气氛,空气炸锅,

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