
Bougainville referendum: Cheers erupts as results in favour of independence announced

Bougainville referendum: Cheers erupts as results in favour of independence announced Loud cheers and singing erupted as it was announced Bougainville had voted overwhelmingly in favour of becoming independent from Papua New Guinea. Bougainville Referendum Commission’s chair Bertie Ahern read out the results, with 176,928 in favour of independence and just over 3,000 voting against. Although 98% of people voted for independence, the region faces a long process ahead before it can become world’s newest nation

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Bougainville referendum,Bougainville vote results,Bougainville independence,Bougainville Referendum Commission,Bertie Ahern,Papua New Guinea,Papua New Guinea bougainville,bougainville papua new guinea,Papua New Guinea mining,Papua New Guinea independence,bougianville,bougainville referendum results,politics,gdnpfpnewspolitics,independence,papua new guinea,papua,results,referendum bougainville,referendum,bougainville,world,gdnpfpnewsworld,guinea,new guinea,melanesia,

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