Christianity, True Identities and the Barbarian Invasions of Europe
In Part 1 we learned some of the true history about a few of the ancient European cultures and civilizations such as the Greeks, the Minoans and Mycenaeans, the Dardanians, who were the Trojans and the Lacedaemonians who were the Spartans, the Cretans or Garmantes of Libya before the continent became Africa, the ancient Etruscans of Italy and the original Romans of Edom, who were also known as the Holy Roman Empire; which most notably consisted of the Kingdom of Germany, the Kingdom of Bohemia (now Czechoslovakia), the Kingdom of Gaul and Burgundy (now France) and the Kingdom of Italy. We begin to see the origins and the creation of Christianity and it’s practices dated as early as AD 79 in Pompeii. Over two centuries later we began to see the works of the Church and State in the deification of Serapis Christus or Jesus Christ as the Son of the Most High, and as a god equal to the Most High. The cult of Serapis was introduced during the third century B.C.E. or Before the Common or Christian Era on the orders of Pharaoh Ptolemy I Soter of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.
According to the World Map by Herodotus in 430 BC or Before the Common or Christian Era until the Punic Wars, or the series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC. In the Second Punic War, the great Carthaginian general Hannibal faced defeat at the hands of Rome’s Scipio Africanus in 202 B.C. After Hannibal was defeated, Carthage, which was the capital city in the region of Tunisia was then referred to and named Africa. Carthage and the region of Tunisia were the only locations on the continent that were known as Africa. Cartographer Sebastian Munster also records this fact on the first official map of the continent in the 1500’s. Before it gradually became known as such centuries later by way of Indo-European colonization, there was No continent called Africa. The word, name and location did not exist in History until after the Carthage or Punic Wars.
At the Council of Nicaea in the year AD 325, or the year 325 of the Common or Christian Era under Emperor Constantine and Bishop Hosius of Corduba, Serapis Christus, the Greaco-Egyptian god became Iesous Christos, the Christian god. During the late Renaissance Era in the 17th Century, Iesous Christos was renamed to Jesus Christ; which is also after the letter “J” was added to the alphabet. At the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, the controversy centered on the nature of what would become Jesus Christ. Arius, a priest in Libya declared that there was a time when the Son was not. He specifically wrote: “If the Father begat the Son, then he who was begotten had a beginning in existence, and from this it follows there was a time when the Son was not.” Athanasius said that the Son was eternal; he was of the same “stuff” as God the Father. Just as the Father is eternal, so is the Son. Word of the dispute made it to the Emperor Constantine, who wanted a unified Church, so to settle the matter, he called a council of bishops. Ultimately, the council condemned Arius, the Lybian Priest as a heretic, exiled him, and made it a capital offense to possess his writings.
During the 3rd to 5th Centuries the barbaric and nomadic Indo-Europeans emerged from the steppes of the Siberian plains and the Caucasus regions and invaded Europe. Barbarians or the People of the Nord known as Northern or Nordic People began invading and settling into the regions of Scandinavia in the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The Alemanni captured the Roman Province of Germania in the year 260, and named themselves the Germans after seizing Germania from the Romans. In the year 409, Germans known as the Vandals, Alans and Suevi invade Spain. In the year 410, the Germans known as the Angles, Frisians and Jutes invaded Britain and ultimately established control over modern-day England, and during the same time the Visigoths were invading Italy and Spain. Today, the vast majority of the Siberian population (over 95%) is Slavic and other Indo-European ethnic groups, mainly Russians, Ukrainians, and Germans.
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