
Electric Vehicles Don't Just Use Less Fuel, They Require Less Labor

Electric Vehicles Don't Just Use Less Fuel, They Require Less Labor A mainstream shift towards electric vehicles seems inevitable between new technologies emerging that make creating faster, more efficient cars objectively less costly and increased impetus to combat our man made climate crisis.

While this is a positive development for our environmental health, large scale changes in transportation create new problems for people looking to make ends meet. Automotive factories have already transitioned away from human labor over the past decade, but as electric vehicles become more prominent these trends will accelerate leaving more and more individuals without jobs.

For instance, one of the most labor intensive aspects of manufacturing a traditional car is building the powertrain. Electric vehicles have a more integrated fuel system, transmission, and don't rely on some of the other complex parts that gas vehicles do, requiring about 30% less labor to produce.

The EV revolution is undoubtedly a positive step for our world, but it's important not to dismiss those that we leave behind in a rapidly advancing world aiming to tackle environmental issues.

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