
How to Disarm a Gunman Effectively

How to Disarm a Gunman Effectively Top 5 Dirtiest Self-Defense Fighting Tricks:

Gun Defense

If ever you’re in a situation where you’re faced with an attacker who has a gun, you might want to know how to disarm him without getting injured.

There’s one great tip on disarming a gun.

If the gun is static, you can try to talk the person down. Stay calm, listen to what he is saying and just agree to whatever he says. You’re in a very delicate position so the last thing you want to do is upset the person and give him a reason to pull the trigger.

Try to think about the different ways that you can talk yourself out of this situation. Don’t forget one false move and the situation can easily take a turn for the worst.

The first thing you want to do is bring your hands up in front of you in a surrender mode to show your attacker that you mean no harm and that you want to avoid the situation getting out of hand.

Once you have your hands up, you want to trap the gun by grabbing on to his hands and twist it towards him. You can either drive it in towards him or disarm him completely by taking hold of the gun.

Make sure to practice this gun defense drill with your partner so you can work on your technique and timing.

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Stay safe,

Nick Drossos and Patrick V

Code Red Defense™





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