
#mir complete modern information reterival in 30 minutes

#mir complete modern information reterival in 30 minutes 1. Introduction: Information versus data retrieval, the retrieval process, taxonomy of Information Retrieval Models.
2. Classic Information Retrieval Techniques: Boolean Model, Vector model, Probabilistic Model, comparison of classical models. Introduction to alternative algebraic models such as Latent Semantic Indexing etc.
3. Keyword based Queries, User Relevance Feedback: Query Expansion and Rewriting, Document preprocessing and clustering, Indexing and Searching: Inverted Index construction, Introduction to Pattern matching.
4. Web Search: Crawling and Indexes, Search Engine architectures, Link Analysis and ranking algorithms such as HITS and PageRank, Meta searches, Performance Evaluation of search engines using various measures, Introduction to search engine optimization.
5. Introduction to online IR Systems, Digital Library searches and web Personalization.

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