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For private contact: MDWW2Battlegrounds@gmail.com
Are you from the USA and looking for a discount on metal detecting products? Send me a PM! Recommended products:
Metal detectors - high price range:
- Garrett AT Max;
- XP Deus;
- Minelab Equinox 800;
Metal detectors - medium price range:
- Garrett AT PRO;
- Nokta Makro Multi Kruzer;
Metal detectors - low price range:
- Garrett ACE 300;
- Fisher F22;
- Garrett Pro-Pointer AT;
- Nokta Makro Pointer;
- Brute Magnetics 1,200 LBS;
Disclosure: This description contains affiliate links. If you purchase items through my links I may earn a small commission (at no cost to you) that helps support this channel. Thank you for the support!