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Welcome to Shellshock Live!
The Multiplayer Tank Games that plays like a more strategic game of Worms. Pick from 100's of weapons, aim your shot carefully, and click that fire button! If all goes according to plan...you may just Win!
Some Shellshock Tips
12-15 wind is 1 Angle Adjustment (Give or Take) if you are at 100% Power! So use that to your advantage
The 100/86 Rule! At 100 Power and 86 Angle, your shot will land at the edge of your target. If your target is below you, youll have to subtract some power. If the Target is above you, youll have add some power (or move closer)
Always track the wind! Every turn type the wind in chat, usually in team chat so the enemy doesn't get it tracked for them!
Good Luck and have Fun!
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Intro Song
Title: Moose
Outro Song
Title: New Game by Nitro Fun
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Other Music By
Music by Epidemic Sound (Epidemicsound.com)
ShellShock OST
YouTube Royally Free Audio
Thumbnail Art Done by