
The Downside of Soy Products

The Downside of Soy Products SOY PRODUCTS........I was GOBSMACKED 😶 yesterday. My mouth literally dropped to the floor when I heard children in my town are getting their periods at 7! (Am I surprised? Well not really with the food we are consuming today). I have walked into the supermarket & seen soy milk on the shelves being sold for babies, toddlers etc. THEY SHOULD NOT BE TAKING IN SOY! Not only is it in the milk but it’s in a lot of processed food & of course all the soya products meant for vegetation’s. It’s not healthy at all. Fermented soy is fine such as tempeh, soy beans etc. because they are in their natural state but soy products are not. They have been genetically modified & are riddled with pesticides. 📍Soy is not natural - it is toxic and we should be avoiding it. 😶Soybeans contain phytoestrogens, which mimic the body’s natural oestrogen hormones. These phytoestrogens are so strong that a baby consuming only soy formula is consuming the equivalent of 4 BIRTH CONTROL PILLS per day. This is one of the massive reasons why young girls of 7 are getting periods so young. 📍Animals today are also fed soy, which means if you eat meat that then of course that gets passed onto you this way too📍In men it can lead to prostate cancer, infertility & low sperm count. 📍In women it can cause oestrogen dominance, which is linked to infertility & menstrual problems & even certain cancers. 📍One other major issue with soy is it causes thyroid disorders. Soy consumption is also linked to LEAKY GUT & if you have my book you know that when you have a leaky gut it can lead to any chronic disease. 📍My advice ditch ‘fake soy’. Read labels always & anything with soy in - don’t eat it. #beautyandthegut @holistic_dani


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