
I Hate My Stepfather And I Decided To Punish Him

I Hate My Stepfather And I Decided To Punish Him ★ DO YOU WANT TO GET YOUR STORY ANIMATED? SEND IT TO



Hi there! I’m Tom. I did something really bad to my stepfather once. If I were him, I wouldn’t ever forgive me for doing it. Here's the story.
It had been about 2 years since my parents divorced and all the way through I’d been hoping that my dad would come back. But when mom got married a second time, I finally understood that this was not going to happen. It’s not that I was unhappy for my mom having found love again, but I didn’t like the new husband, actually. His name is Derrick. He is not mean at all and he is actually an easy person to get along with, but he always tries to talk with me and wants us to spend a lot of time together, and that really makes me mad. I mean, I already have a father and I don’t really want another one in my life.

I remember one day I had a really bad argument with my mom because of another suggestion of Derrick's to take a family trip somewhere during the coming weekend. I really wanted to stay at home and play video games like I usually do. In any case, staying home would have been more interesting for me rather than spending my time with my folks. But when I kinda gently refused to join them, he started reasoning with me saying how wonderful it was going to be and so on. We were having dinner at that moment and I got so angry about everything that I just pushed my plate back so hard that it fell off the table and shattered, spilling my food everywhere on the floor. Then I got up and I stomped away to my room. Mom followed me and angrily said that I was going to go with them anyway and that I’d better pretend I'm excited about that, otherwise I won't play video games ever again in my life.

Jesus, I was so mad! How dare he interfere with my life? Why should I skip my video games for some stupid family weekend? I felt I needed to speak up again, but I had no desire to discuss anything with my real friends. So, I turned my computer on, logged in to my favorite Minecraft game, and briefly described the whole situation to my e-friends in the game. Fortunately, they were always on my side. It was far from the first time I had complained about my annoying life situation to them, so they already knew pretty much everything about my stepfather’s talks. As our discussion went on, I’d gotten the idea that I had to punish Derrick for his over-attentiveness. One of the other gamers had even given me a hint of how it would be possible for me to escape from the family vacation. So I came up with a plan.
I searched the internet to find out how a car engine works, waited till late at night when everyone else in the house had fallen asleep, snuck into the garage, and opened the hood of the car. Derrick had planned to drive all of us tomorrow morning to the beach, but he wouldn’t be able to do that if the car engine won’t even start. I had a flashlight and scissors in my hands and I saw a big tube down around the bottom. I’d decided it was the perfect one to be cut for the car to break down. So, I did my evil deed and went back to my room.

At first I was proud of myself, I felt like a spy or something. But then a thought crept into my head, what if I had done something wrong and I cut the wrong junction pipe. What if the car will start anyway but something bad will happen to it on the road? What if we were going to get hurt? Especially mom… That night was really bad for me. I couldn’t sleep well, but when I managed to fall asleep, I had terrifying dreams of how the car might blow up and of Derrick and mom in horrific pain, just like you might see in some Hollywood movies.

I knew I had to confess the next morning. I found my parents downstairs having breakfast and I’d decided to tell them what I had done last night. It was meaningless, I guess, to describe how ashamed I was. I was standing there keeping my head as low as possible in order to avoid my mom’s glare. I was even sorry about Derrick's car, since now he was probably going to have to take it to the service station to have them somehow fix it, and it might cost a pretty penny. It was the longest minute of silence in my life so far. But his reaction actually did surprise me a lot. The only thing he said after a pause was, “Why don’t we go in the garage and check to see what’s wrong with the car?” When we were leaving the kitchen mom still hadn’t said a word, but I felt her tension even with my back turned.
Then I showed Derrick what exact junction pipe I had cut. I thought now, when mom couldn’t see or hear us anymore, he’d say how stupid and immature what I'd done was, but he didn’t. He didn't try to chastise me or anything. He gave me a flashlight instead. Then he asked me to find a certain tool in the toolbox and so on.

Music by Epidemic Sound:

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