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This is a great course for a sole trader, a small to medium business owner or anyone wanting to kick-start a new career in bookkeeping or accounting using the most popular accounting software tool, MYOB!
In this introductory series of MYOB for Beginners, Andy Leonard takes you step-by-step through the different modules within MYOB. It begins with creating a new company file, running a 'Cash Book' through a bank account or a credit card, enabling you to record how much came in, where it came from and where it was spent.
This course follows the MYOB screen demonstrating the modules you will use the most, such as cash sales, supplier payments and stock inventory. It is an easy to follow course covering all aspects of running your own business.
Watch this training at
50% of all revenue is donated to one of the three charities which help provide jobs and growth to women in need. Watch the entire course at