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"CANE CORSO BABYSITTING CHILDREN | Italian Mastiff Family Protector"
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About Cane Corso: Cane Corso is an ancient Italian mastiff. The Ancient Romans used the Cane Corso to guard their property against all intruders. Cane corso was more than just a guard dog during the war. Cane Corso is also used to protect the owner's family, unattended children on the fields and their live stock, It is a strong breed yet their nature is very gentle and sensitive towards all family members which makes them an excellent family dog even with children.
This video explains how to pick a puppy that is good for baby and children as well as showing some examples of puppy imprinting, socialization and training for children or baby.
With help from 5 Star Dog Academy, we also get to hear how a professional dog trainer help older dogs understand about a new baby or if someone decide to have an adult dog in the house with the baby.
Special thanks to the following cane corso owners/breeders and trainer provide photo and video images to this video: ( Listed according to time line sequence of the video)
* Vladimir Nikolic of Sofia, Bulgaria
(Photographs of Cane Corso on timeline 0.01 to 1.08 and 12.46 to 13.12 )
* Guardacor Cane Corso of New Castel, Australia
(video time line: 1.08 to 01.37 and 2.50 to 3.40 )
* T&G Cane Corso of Ohio U.S.A
Facebook: Giulia Braghieri
(video time line: 10.44 to 11.04 )
* Alex Chavarin of California U.S.A
5 Star Dog Academy
(video, photographs and voice instructions on time line 15.46 to 19.25 on training adult dogs)
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