Why it’s easy for me to stay raw vegan fruitarian
I’m the one who’s addicted. Battling crazy mood swings.
Cooked food is an ADDICTION. You have to just quit.
I already healed my teeth. Had to cut out my staple food.
When you eat cooked food as a Raw Vegan Fruitarian..
The Fruitarian Diet is Destroying my Teeth!
Losing Nearly ALL My Hair on a Raw Vegan Diet
Healing Metabolic Damage
Eating 3000 Calories A Day
Response to Kate Flowers “Why I Regret Being Fruitarian”
Why do we feel worse when switching to a high fruit or a fruitarian diet?
How I lost 30 pounds in 3 months after switching to fruitarianism
Why did I become fruitarian?
How to transition to raw vegan/fruitarian
On youtube to spread the lifesaving message of fruitarianism/ raw food/ raw vegan lifestyle and to have a safe space for me to express myself 💓 Thank you for hanging out with me.