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In US news, 9 white supremacists tried to host a KKK rally in Dayton Ohio but they were overwhelmed by more than 500 counter protesters who shouted down their white supremacy and hate with love. The attempted Ku Klux Klan rally took place in the town square but only 9 white supremacists showed up. These white nationalists were met with more than 500 Dayton residents who were not here for the neo-Nazis' hate speech.
A KKK-affiliated white supremacist group based in Dayton, Ohio planned a rally in the city’s courthouse square on May 25, 2019. Only 9 people showed up. Hundreds of local residents, including members of the local NAACP came out to counter their message.
In addition to the counter protest, local transit authority began running messages of love on their bus routes.
‘We stand (and roll) together, United Against Hate this week. You’ll see this message on all of our buses through the weekend.’ - Dayton Transit Authority on Twitter
Local police say more than 350 police officers were deployed to maintain peace. The white supremacist rally, which was scheduled to be 2-hours long, reportedly cost the city approx $650,000 in personnel and materials. Dayton mayor Nan Whaley said she was proud of the message of love her city displayed but warned that the weekend was just a reminder of segregation in Dayton.
#KKK #Hate #WhiteSupremacists
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