
What Makes Social Media So Addictive? What is the Best Way to Break Addiction?

What Makes Social Media So Addictive? What is the Best Way to Break Addiction? After research, writing, animation, and editing, this project took me roughly 90 hours. Please consider liking this video if you learned something and subscribe if you want to see more. I aim to provide thoughtful pieces by putting in 40+ hours into each video. I will try my very best to upload videos that are in some way, beneficial to your life.

In a world where there is a war amongst developers to create the most appealing platform, it is important for people to understand how the system works and how to handle these methods of manipulation.

In this video, I will be running through the specific methods that these major platforms use to make them addictive. And at the end of the video, I will provide suggestions in what you can do to combat addiction backed by Stanford research.

Natasha Schull, an expert in machine design and addiction, made a comment about being approached by software developers that really rubbed me the wrong way, which is actually what inspired me to make this video: "I can’t tell you how often I’ve been approached since the publication of my book by Silicon Valley types who say things like, ‘Wow, the gambling industry really seems to have a handle on this attention retention problem that we’re all facing… Will you come tell our designers how to do a better job?’"

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