
10 Yoga Sun Salutations Per Day For 30 Days (Day 5 Update) Traveling In Greece

10 Yoga Sun Salutations Per Day For 30 Days (Day 5 Update) Traveling In Greece Hi, I'm David from

I'm currently traveling through Greece for the month! While on the road, I'm doing a 30 day yoga challenge consisting of 10 Sun Salutations per day. 5 Sun A, 5 Sun B!I'm currently at day 5!

Surprisingly I'm very sore. I've lifted weights and been actively involved in fitness for years. But clearly this is putting my body through motions it has not done before.

I can tell that the soreness I'm experiencing is muscular in nature, and not actual pain in my joints. So I am hopeful that as my body adapts that the soreness will decrease.

If you haven't watched my initial video as to why I'm doing this challenge, please check it out here!

I'm hopeful that by doing this routine regularly that I will see noticeable improvements in my pain and mobility and hope it is something that I can challenge others to do that are dealing with similar issues.

Follow me on this journey and check out my progress videos!

Accessory stretches
- Twisted Cross
- Saddle Pose
- Standing Straddle Pose

Be sure to subscribe and check out my blog for awesome travel and personal finance content!

yoga,yogi,fitness,vinyasa,vinyasa yoga,bikram,bikram yoga,flow yoga,vinyasa flow,vinyasa flow yoga,lululemon,hot yoga,greece,santorini,mykonos,meteora,

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