
Peppa Pig Bathtub Fingerpaint Set Tub and “OH The Possibilities” in the Backyard Swimming Pool

Peppa Pig Bathtub Fingerpaint Set Tub and “OH The Possibilities” in the Backyard Swimming Pool Peppa Pig Bathtub Fingerpaint Set Tub and “OH The Possibilities” in the Backyard Swimming Pool

Aubrey and JD had some fun in the tub with their Peppa Pig Bathtub Fingerpaint set. The roller smears the paint and makes some splashing good fun.

After the bathtub fun, Aubrey discusses all the possibilities of NOT getting out of the backyard pool. 🤣

Special Thank You to Grandma and Grandpa Covey for providing the background music from Country Classics Band, one of the bands that Grandpa Art plays in.💕

Peppa Pig Bathtub Fingerpaint Fun Possibilities Backyard Swimming Pool,Autism autistic siblings Summer,

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