When Caesar called Maria to try to convince her to get on the next flight, she put her foot down. “I don’t want to go to Mexico, please. I’m tired of it. I will not fly to Mexico. I’m tired, really tired,” Maria told Caesar. “So please, don’t book anything.”
Caesar tried to plead with Maria, pointing out everything he’s done for her and she refused. “Yes, yes, yes, you told me every the time the same, how you work hard, how you spend everything. OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it. I don’t want to hear,” she told him. “You’re always like, try to be like a victim. You’re not a real man.”
But he persisted and asked Maria if she still loved him. “Caesar, I don’t know,” she said, honestly. “Maybe it’s really not our luck to be together in this life. Maybe somewhere in the next life, we will meet.”
“So does that mean it’s over? Is that it?” Caesar asked. Maria responded, “Yes. It’s over. You will live your life, I will live life, OK? That’s all.”
Caesar was visibly upset, and shortly after he hung up the phone, he started to cry. “I’m heartbroken right now. I feel hurt. I feel hurt, that’s all. It was just a game. That’s all it was, just a big game. That’s all,” he told producers. “So that we could get married. So we could be here in Cancún, Mexico. So I did all this. So I fought for her. It’s a game to her. That’s all. Playing with people’s emotions. You know. You can’t sit there and play games with people’s emotions when they really love you like that. Everybody’s gonna laugh. Everybody’s gonna sit there and say, ‘Well Caesar, we told you so.’ And I’m just going to have to say that they’re right. I’ll never forget it. It’s gonna hurt me for the rest of my life.”
But in a preview for next week’s episode, Caesar seems to be all dressed up for what seems to be a romantic dinner. “That dinner felt like a damn nightmare,” Caesar told producers as he walked away from the table. “I don’t want to do this anymore.” So, does Maria actually show up after all? Fans will have to wait until the next episode to find out.