
CDC and health professionals encouraging the public to get flu shots

CDC and health professionals encouraging the public to get flu shots Summer is coming to an end, that means less time outside, but more chances to get sick. That's why health professionals and the centers for disease control are encouraging the public to get a flu shot.

"Last year, up to 61 thousand people died from the flu and they do recommend that getting the flu vaccine is the most important preventative measure."

Pharmacist Jaime Cadarette says there are two types of flu shots people can choose from. Each has three to four inactive strains of the influenza virus that are meant to build immunity. This is especially important for young children, and our elderly population.

"Complications of the flu can be pneumonia, ear infection, sinus infection, and then just being dehydrated and things like that are a big problem with the flu."

Cadarette says the vaccine is safe. It's impossible to get the flu virus from the shot, and most insurances cover the entire cost of the vaccine. You can drop by LeFave, or other local pharmacies to protect yourself and your family against the flu. It is recommended that the vaccine is received by the end of October, when flu season kicks into high gear.

flu,flu shot,flu shots,LeFave,influenza,

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