
How to Sell a Product | Service [Quick & Easy Sales Technique] | The Business Podcast

How to Sell a Product | Service [Quick & Easy Sales Technique] | The Business Podcast Do you want to know how to sell a product or service? Do you want to increase your sales with a quick & easy sales technique that makes someone want to buy from you?
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Love it or hate it, sales is the number one skill to develop as an entrepreneur. Without sales, we have no business.

But, how do we position our products or services to make people want to buy from us?

What are the factors that stop people from wanting to buy from us?

In this episode of The Business Podcast, I give you a quick & easy sales technique on how to position your product or service and dramatically improve your sales conversion rate.

This sales technique is free to implement and will convince someone to buy from you and increase sales by tapping into the way that customers make a buying decision.

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Steve Hodgkinson is an Entrepreneur and a highly active Business Coach. His unique approach sees him using his engineering mindset to break down and evaluate the best methods for all business owners to move forward with their branding, sales and marketing, and also the building of community around their product / service.

You can contact Steve by email:

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