
Making bread in traditional way and eating bread by family ll Wheat flour recipe

Making bread in traditional way and eating bread by family ll Wheat flour recipe Making bread in traditional way and eating bread by family ll Wheat flour recipe
Nepal is one the country of Asia where people live yet primitive life style.This is real documentary of human being in village, this is not fake, this is not artificial,this is not imaginary, this is real life activities or life style of indigenous people of Asia.So this channel is made for to show real life activities of village people of Asian Region and make history of primitive life style of indigenous people or human beings of 21th century in the Asia Region. Please respect them because our modern life also one of the developed form of primitive life.Thank you very much for watching and loving our video. If you want to connect with us please! email us at

tradional bread,indian bread,nepali village,village bread,wheat bread,wheat recipe,

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