
Perform These Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite at Home

Perform These Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite at Home What is #cellulite? Cellulite is not a diseased condition but a state of the body in which fat cells get accumulated in the space between muscles and skin or you can say behind your skin. Cellulite can be dangerous for you if they get accumulated in an extra amount than usual as they lead to obesity and obesity, in turn, leads to dangerous medical health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, congestive cardiac failure and even stroke which none of us wants to add them up in our lives. It is more prevalent in women than men because of the thin texture of their skin where fat cells get accumulated easily. Thighs and hips are more prone to fat accumulation spoiling your body tone. But nothing to worry about as you can try out some simple exercises to get rid of cellulite.

1. Single-Leg Plank
In this exercise lay down on the mat with your face and palms facing the floor and with the help of your palms and feet straighten your body by lifting it upwards with your arms straight without flexing elbow joint. Now elevate one of your legs as above as you can and maintain this position for few seconds. Return and repeat it with your second leg. Complete 20 rounds with deep breathing along.

2. Step up with reverse lunge
For this exercise, you will need a flat bench or a chair. To perform this exercise you have to stand in front of that chair and step on it with one foot and perform a high knee with the other leg by raising your knee as above you can after flexing your leg at the knee joint.
The next step is to go back in reverse order from where you started and then move back the same leg you performed high knee with and try to touch the floor with your knee by bending it downwards to the floor. Now repeat it for 20 rounds and then alternate the leg so that you can benefit both legs and get rid of extra fat cells under your skin.

3. Jump Squats
For this exercise, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold your hands together and lift them up close to chin with your elbows flexed. Now try to sit down as close as you can to the floor and stand back up with a jump. Repeat it 10 times and keep deep breathing during exercise.

4. Glute Bridge
For this exercise, you will require a mat or a carpet. Lay down on the mat with your feet on the floor and your legs flexed. Put your arms on floor straight next to your chest with your palms facing the floor. Now do some effort and try to lift your body up without moving your legs and arms until your back to thighs make a straight line. Return to your initial position. Repeat it for 20 rounds and get the benefit of losing hip fat and it will also help you get rid of back pain.

5. Lateral lunges
In this exercise, you have to stand straight with your legs double the shoulder-width apart and then bend one of your legs at the knee joint and move your body along that side and then alternate it by performing the same thing with the other leg. Complete 20 rounds doing deep breathing.

6. Split squat
In this exercise, you will require a small wooden or plastic stool. Stand in front of the stool and put your left foot on the stool behind. And try to touch your left knee to the ground with your arms moving in the jogging position and your right leg should be bent at 90 degrees at the knee joint. Repeat it with the right leg as well. Complete a total of 20 rounds with each leg and take some deep breaths. This exercise will help you out to decrease cellulite from thighs and hips.

These were some simple exercises you can also perform at home without requiring any extra equipment and without any expenses. These are easy to perform and will only take 20 minutes of your day which are worth to spend on yourself. Try these out for a month and you will feel the difference yourself. Say goodbye to cellulite.

Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Health Tips channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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