Buy Homeopathy medicines online -
#1. Do homeopathic medicines have side effects ?
Homeopathy medicines are energy. They are prepared by serial dilutions and contain no material substance in them. Hence, no side effects.
Can diabetic patients take homeopathic sweet sugar pills ?
The amount of sugar present in the small quantity of pills is negligible for it to affect diabetics
#2. Can homoeopathy aggravate your problems ?
After the homoeopathic treatment starts there may be slight and short worsening followed by rapid relief. This initial worsening is often the reaction of our body before the cure occurs and is a very good sign.Another reaction that may be noticed during the course of homoeopathic treatment is that your original problems will get better gradually and then some new symptoms may appear. These new problems may indicate that doctor need to change your medicine and give you something that will cover this new picture and thereby help you in achieving a holistic cure
#3. Will any homeopathic remedy react badly with my conventional treatments?
No. Homeopathic medicines do not interfere with prescription drugs such as blood pressure medications, antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medicines or other over-the-counter ie OTC medications. While most drugs interact with the body’s physical chemistry, homeopathy medicines are stripped of their physical properties and only engage the body’s innate healing response to restore health. Neither therapy will interfere with the effectiveness of the other and are safe to take in conjunction with each other. Homeopathic medicines are not meant to replace medications prescribed by your physician.
#4. Can I take my homeopathic remedies with other regular medicines ?
Yes. Remember each therapeutic system is working on different levels of the body there is no danger of contra-indications. Homeopathic remedies work well alongside most conventional medicines. It may be important to have your doctor monitor the medications you are taking as your requirements for long-term drugs may change during the course of homeopathic treatment.You should never discontinue your conventional medications without consulting your medical doctors
#5. Can I drink coffee while I am seeing a homeopath?
Many people can tolerate a moderate amount of coffee and have no difficulty with drinking one cup a day. Some people are sensitive to it and find their nervous systems over stimulated by even a moderate amount. In this case their vitality and their general healing responses will be affected. If you fit into this category then you might consider cutting out coffee for the duration of your treatment. Certain remedies are sensitive to the effects of coffee. Please advise your homeopath if you drink coffee, and especially if you drink more than one cup a day
#6. Can I drink Alcohol or Smoke?
Moderate use of alcohol 1-2 units a day doesn't interfere with homeopathic treatment unless you are strongly affected by it, nor does tobacco smoking. Both alcohol and tobacco affect your health, especially if you are a pregnant woman and should be avoided.
#7. I am lactose intolerant. Can I take these products?
People who are lactose intolerant do not have enough of the enzymes in their digestive tract to digest lactose. While everyone is different, most lactose intolerant individuals would need to ingest 5000 mg of lactose before they experience symptoms of intolerance from the lack of enzymes. Homeopathy products contain less than 100 mg of lactose ie.,the sugar from cow's milk, per tablet. With this large margin of safety, there is rarely a problem with these products when being used as directed on the label. If your physician has determined that you are specifically "Allergic to Lactose", you should avoid the tablets.
#8. My child just ate an entire bottle of tablets, what do I do?
Do not panic. Homeopathic medicines are very safe, non-toxic, and have a very wide margin of safety. It is unlikely that your child could become seriously ill just from taking a large number of the tablets at one time. The child may have an upset stomach or constipation at worst. However, if your child does develop symptoms that concern you, please consult your own physician or health care provider right away
#9. Can homeopathy be taken during pregnancy?
Homeopathic medications are Safe to take at all stages of pregnancy or labor and homeopaths recommend specific remedies for each stage of pregnancy or will treat you constitutionally throughout
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