
Critical Role: Your Voice DIRECTOR Is Showing

Critical Role: Your Voice DIRECTOR Is Showing I love when when these nerdy arse voice actors give each other voice direction during the show.
Hope you enjoy it too :)
Find the supercuts on this play list as I upload them.
Thank you to all the critters who helped find each sound and voice. Special shout outs to:

and the saints of timestamps lead by Flando
Don't forget to love each other!
Is it Thursday yet?
Critical Role and Geek & Sundry own everything

Critical Role,Dragon Friends,Matt Mercer,Sam Regil,Sam regiel,Purvon,Pervon,Assum,Sigil,Sigel,Travis,Willingham,Marisha,Ray,Taliesin,Jaffe,Ashley,Johnson,Laura Bailey,Voice Actor,Sound Effect,

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