
First drug that can slow Alzheimer's disease to undergo regulatory approval in U.S, Europe

First drug that can slow Alzheimer's disease to undergo regulatory approval in U.S, Europe 바이오젠, 아두카누맙 "임상 성공"...세계 첫 알츠하이머 치료제 기대

Alzheimer's disease may no longer just be an incurable illness, the first drug that can slow the disease has been invented... and is close to hitting the market.
U.S. drug company Biogen says it has created the first therapy called aducandumab that could slow the degenerative disease.
Currently, there are only drugs that can help with the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Planning to file the paperwork by early next year, the company will soon seek regulatory approval in the United States and eventually Europe.
If approved, the drug will slow patients' clinical decline allowing them to preserve more of their memory and every day living skills.

#drug #Alzheimer #disease

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