
In-depth: Global market wrap-up

In-depth: Global market wrap-up 증시 대담

It's time now for an in-depth look at the market news as we start the week.
And for that, I'm joined on the line by Dr. Song Soo-young, professor of business at Chung-Ang University.
Dr. Song, thank you for coming on today.
Thank you.
Just minutes before the markets closed last week on Wall Street, President Trump said a deal had been reached with China that'll reduce some planned tariffs in exchange for China buying 40 or 50 billion dollars more in U.S. agricultural goods. What do you see in this is it a big deal?
Wall Street was up on Friday, and today there's a rally in Asian markets. What's happening here and where do you see the markets going in the days to come?
This week, the Bank of Korea will meet to set interest rates. What else is coming up that we should be watching?
Alright, Dr. Song. That's where we'll have to leave it for today.
Thanks so much for coming on today.

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