
Rime 3 : Demolish anything that might have muckroot : Oxygen not Included

Rime 3 : Demolish anything that might have muckroot : Oxygen not Included Playing the map this way feels like a muckroot hunt, I have to constantly keep digging up every single temperate biome in sight in the hopes that I can scrape out enough food that I don't have to evolve any hatches just yet. Theoretically we should have enough breeding hatches with what we have so far to keep 12 dupes fed but that has never stopped ONI from finding a way to mess me up. By the end of next episode we should have carnivore done or a beautiful collapse to watch.

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oxygen not included,ONI,Lets Play,Launch mk2,computer games,survival,simulation,Rime,achievement run,achievement,starting rime,beginning of game,carnivore,locavore,achievement hunter,muckroot,more food,

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