
How to Clear Hyperpigmentation Naturally Urdu Hindi

How to Clear Hyperpigmentation Naturally  Urdu Hindi How to Clear Hyperpigmentation Naturally Urdu Hindi
Natural helper against age spots - these should know you!
The skin aging process is in full swing from the age of 40. Experts distinguish between internal aging, also called age, and external aging.

The genetic predisposition that exists in your body can not be influenced. External factors can, however, lessen weight through changes in your lifestyle.

Age spots are the result of both internal and external influences, with solar radiation playing the biggest role.

We'll tell you how it comes to the annoying age spots, whether they are dangerous and what natural remedies can help.

What do age spots look like?

Age spots have a light brown color and an irregular pattern with a soft edge.

Age spots are hardly noticeable in the warm season, because they disappear almost entirely on a tanned skin.

In autumn and winter, the skin tone becomes paler again, then the pigment spots appear clearly.

Particularly affected are hands and the face. This is because the sun is directly involved in the development process and these skin parts are often exposed to it unprotected.

How do age spots develop?

The UV radiation can change the skin. This also applies to age spots.

Above all, the UVB rays are dangerous because they are able to influence the cell structure of the skin. As a result, our largest organ - the skin - gets into a state of stress.

The result: the melanocytes react with an overproduction. This leads to an externally visible hyperpigmentation.

Age spots are particularly visible on the body, which we often expose to the sun without UV protection. This is why the face, hands and décolleté are particularly affected by age spots.

Age spots - from when?

Age spots are often seen from the age of 40 years and that has a good reason, because then the body's own cell renewal rate of the skin by up to 30%.

In addition, collagen is broken down, which is also reflected in a reduced elasticity of the skin.

Another typical aging symptom is that the body can degrade the dye melanin, which is produced by the so-called melanocytes worse. The reason for this is a reduced microcirculation of the skin. This circumstance also favors hyperpigmentation, which makes age spots visible.

Are age spots dangerous?

Age spots are usually not dangerous. Nevertheless, you should introduce yourself to your dermatologist if you discover the spots.

Your dermatologist can determine if it is actually harmless pigmentation or if it may be pre-cancerous skin.

If you have been exposed to intense sunlight for years, as a result of which you may also suffer from malignant melanoma, white skin cancer or actinic keratosis, a tissue sample may be necessary.

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